The Impact of Western Graduates
From President Randy Roberts
Whenever I think about the impact of Western graduates, I recall a quote from the introduction to a book authored by two seminary presidents: “Seminaries have a tremendous multiplier effect. By a conservative estimate, a pastor who spends thirty years in congregational ministry will likely touch one hundred thousand individuals and community groups. No other channel has such direct impact on the religious life of cultures and nations. A positive intervention in this chain of relationships can achieve a tremendous payoff.” Of course, from our perspective, that positive payoff depends upon whether or not those masses are being influenced by the biblical gospel. For it is only God’s truth that brings light and life to the human heart; theological error conversely expresses and intensifies our natural spiritual blindness. And it is always dangerous to live on the wrong side of ultimate reality! That is why so many of us have dedicated our lives to training the men and women who will graduate from Western with confidence in the uniquely transforming power of the gospel and competence to apply it with courage and wisdom to all of life.