ReGeneration Forum Coming to Portland on May 10

TikTok Theology

Jan. 28, 2025

The ReGeneration Project, a ministry of Western Seminary, is hosting an all-day event in Portland on Saturday, May 10, to train younger generations in theology and apologetics. After hosting annual forums in the Bay Area which have sold out at 800 people, this is the first time the event will be offered in Portland. This year's theme is "TikTok Theology." 

“Younger generations are being bombarded and influenced by social media, which is shaping their opinions and beliefs," says Dan Kimball, Director of the ReGeneration Project and Vice President of Church, Mission and Strategy at Western Seminary. "At this year’s forum we will be directly addressing how to respond to the biggest confusing questions that new generations face.” 

This year’s event will address questions such as:

  • Is the Bible and the church anti-women?
  • If God is real and good, why is there so much pain and suffering?
  • Have we been interpreting the Bible wrong about homosexuality and gender?
  • The spiritual realm of tarot cards, horoscopes, and Wicca seems exciting to explore. Is it wrong?
  • Church hurts people – why go anymore?

The event will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Willamette Christian Church. Event speakers include David Kinnaman, CEO of the Barna Group and the author of bestselling books such as Faith For Exiles and unchristian, and Lisa Fields, author, apologist, and leader of the Jude Project. Local church leaders and several Western faculty members will also be leading breakout sessions. 


The ReGeneration Project is a ministry of Western Seminary that exists to encourage church leaders and new generations, equipping them with ways to respond to the difficult questions being asked today about theology, the Bible, church, and Christianity in general.