staff in chapel



Western Seminary's mission is to serve as a catalyst and resource for spiritual transformation by working with and for the church to equip men and women for strategic ministry roles. Our hiring practices reflect our commitment to being a Christ-centered institution.

Following, you'll find a list of open positions at Western Seminary. When you click on a specific job title it will link you to the job description, which includes information on the hours, required qualifications, basic responsibilities, etc.

If after reading through the job description you find yourself interested and believe yourself to be qualified, you may download an application for employment by clicking on the button below. Applicants are able to submit a resume and/or cover letter with an employment application in order to further establish how the applicant's skills and experiences fit with the requirements of the position and the mission of Western Seminary.


Open Staff Positions:

Staff Application for Employment

Open Faculty Positions:

  • Please check back for future opportunities.

Faculty Application for Employment

*Please be sure to add your signature to your application before submitting it. 

Completed faculty applications may be submitted electronically to Academics. Staff applications may be submitted to Human Resources

Or completed applications may be submitted via mail:

Western Seminary
Attn: Human Resources
5511 SE Hawthorne Blvd.
Portland, OR 97215

Western Seminary does not discriminate in the employment of individuals on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, or disability status. However, as a Christian educational institution and in compliance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Western Seminary exercises its legal right to hire Christian employees to fulfill its mission, vision, and purpose. All employees are expected to affirm and adhere to both the World Evangelical Alliance Statement of Faith and the Seminary’s governing virtues.

