Advanced Degrees

Western Seminary offers advanced degree options for ministry leaders, educators, and pastors seeking a professional degree to further equip them for whatever ministry God has called them to. These post-graduate degrees are offered through our Portland campus and build upon a master's degree. 

Degree Options

pastor preaching

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)

Build upon your ministry experience with further training in core pastoral disciplines.

30 credits

Portland (partly online)

Hebrew Bible

Master of Theology (ThM)

Western's specialized academic degree offering advanced training in biblical and theological studies.

25 credits

Portland (partly online)

students in classroom with Dr. Wan

Doctor of Philosophy in Intercultural Education (PhD)

Western's highest academic degree designed to equip students as experts in intercultural education.

47 credits

Portland (mostly online)

students in classroom with Dr. Wan

Doctor of Education in Intercultural Education (EdD)

Designed for educators in leadership positions at intercutural settings around the world.

42 credits

Portland (mostly online)

intercultural village setting

Doctor of Intercultural Studies

An advanced degree for Christian leaders and missions workers serving in pluralistic and multi-ethnic contexts.

36 credits

Portland (mostly online)