Daniel K. Eng, DMin, PhD

- Portland Campus, Bueermann Hall
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- biblicalgreekhelp.wordpress.com
"I consider myself part of a chain, like the one Paul describes in 2 Timothy 2:2. Godly mentors and teachers have guided me in Bible study skills, ministry skills, and character development. Like Timothy, it's my privilege to entrust these principles to faithful students who will serve others in the church."
Degrees Earned
PhD in Theology and Religious Studies
University of Cambridge
DMin in Asian American Ministry
Talbot School of Theology
ThM in Bible Exposition
Talbot School of Theology
MDiv in Pastoral Ministry
Talbot School of Theology
BA in Communication Studies
Boston College
Selected Publications
“James,” in The New Testament in Color: A Multiethnic Commentary, IVP Academic, 2024.
“Healing from Sin: The Effective Prayer in James 5:16,” Trinity Journal 44.1 (Spring 2023): 37-50.
Editor, Greek New Testament, Produced at Tyndale House, Guided Annotating Edition, Crossway, 2023
Editor, Faithful Ministry Through Chinese Churches in America: The Legacy of the Fellowship of American Chinese Evangelicals, Urban Loft Publishers, 2023
“’The Refining of Your Faith?’ Metallurgic Testing Imagery in James,” Bulletin for Biblical Research 32.2 (July 2022): 182–201.
Eschatological Approval: The Structure and Unifying Motif in James, Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2022
“I Call You Friends: Jesus as Patron in John 15,” Themelios 46.1 (April 2021): 55-69.
“Addressing the Stigma Associated with Seeking Help for Mental Health Among Asian Americans,” with Judith K. TenElshof, The Journal of Psychology and Christianity 39.2 (2020): 125-133.
“The Role of Semitic Catchwords in Interpreting the Epistle of James,” Tyndale Bulletin 70.2 (2019).
Transform Articles by Daniel K. Eng
Daniel K. Eng Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Access Daniel K. Eng's work and ministry experience, as well as his history in publication: