Enoch Wan, PhD

Director, PhD and EdD in Intercultural Education, Doctor of Intercultural Studies
- Portland Campus, Milliken Hall, 307
- 503.517.1804
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- www.enochwan.com
- www.globalmissiology.org
"Students in the doctoral program are to grasp and experience Gospel-Centered education within the “relational paradigm” which places high priority on vertical relationship (with the Triune God), from which horizontal relationships (in the contexts of family and ministry) naturally flow."
Degrees Earned
MA, PhD in Anthropology
State University of New York at Stony Brook
MTS., New Testament Studies and Counseling
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences
Nyack College
A Defining Moment
"A real life turning point was coming to New York as a lonely foreign student in 1970 when I learned to trust God for provision and protection and began walking in the Spirit. Those were formative years in life style and academic pursuit.
The history of my family is generations of diaspora: China to Hong Kong to Canada to USA that resulted in the book: Diaspora Missiology: Theory, Methodology, and Practice (2011).
The pursuit and practice of “relational paradigm” (vertical + horizontal relationships, with proper priority and true integrity) is my life-long journey and career development: best exemplified by a recent publication: Relational Missionary Training (2017)."
Relational Missionary Training: Theology, Theory & Practice, (co-authored with Mark Hedinger), Urban Loft Publishers, 2017.
Church Planting Among Immigrants in US Urban Centers: The Where, Why, and How of Diaspora Missiology in Action, (co-authored with Anthony Francis Casey), IDS, 2014.
The 2011 Triple Disaster in Japan and the Diaspora: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward, (co-authored with Elton S. L. Law), IDS, 2014.
Wandering Jews and Scattered Sri Lankans: Viewing Sri Lankans of the Gulf Cooperation Council through the Lens of the Old Testament Jewish Diaspora, (co-authored with Ted Rubesh), IDS, 2014.
Mobilizing Vietnamese Diaspora for the Kingdom, (co-authored with Thanh Trung Le), IDS, 2014.
Scattered Africans Keep Coming, (co-authored with Yaw Attah Edu-Bekoe), IDS, 2013.
Diaspora Missiology: Theory, Methodology, and Practice, IDS, 2012.
Missions Practice in the 21st Century, (co-editing with Joy Tira), William Carey International University Press, 2009.
Missions from the Majority World: Progress, Challenges, and Case Studies, (Co-editing with Michael Pocock), William Carey Library, 2009.
Scattered: The Filipino Global Presence, (co-editor with Joy Tira and Luis Pantoja), LifeChange Publishing, 2004.
Jewish-Gentile Couples: Trends, Challenges, and Hopes, (co-authored with Tuvya Zaretsky), William Carey Library, 2004.
Christian Witness in Pluralistic Contexts in the 21st Century, William Carey Library, 2004.
Missions Within Reach, China Alliance Press, 1995.
Enoch Wan's Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Access Dr. Wan's work and ministry experience, as well as his history in publication: