Jeremiah L. Peck, PhD

Director, Master of Arts in Counseling
- Portland Campus, Bueermann Hall
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"Jesus knows you fully. This truth is simple yet profound. My favorite verse in Scripture is perhaps a peculiar one at first glance. John 1:42 reads, ‘He brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon the son of John; you shall be called Cephas” (which is translated Peter)’. Jesus, upon first meeting Simon, looks at him and seems to know Simon fully—He even knew who his father was. Nearly three years later, Jesus would then say to Peter that on the rock of his testimony that Jesus would build His church. (Matthew 16:16-18). Gospel-centered transformation means that Jesus knows you fully, and He sees what you can become."
Degrees Earned
PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision
University of the Cumberlands
Master of Arts, Counseling
Multnomah University
BS, Bible and Theology
Multnomah Bible College
Current Ministry Involvement
Lead pastor
Lexington Bible Fellowship / Kelso, WA
A Defining Moment
"There was a moment after serving in pastoral ministry for a number of years that God led me to a breakthrough realization. It was mid week and I was pacing the empty church sanctuary praying for the families in the church as they came to mind. I began to feel overwhelmed considering all of the difficulties which I knew that people were going through as I was praying for them. I felt an immense burden knowing that as a pastor I could not fix every person’s problems. In the midst of my prayer, I said aloud, 'God, I can’t do this by myself!' The moment I spoke these words, I heard in my mind the response, 'I haven’t asked you to.' I better understood at that moment that effective ministry is empowered by God for His good purpose." "
Selected Publications
"Couple and family counseling from a distance," with C. Grunhaus — Synchronous online counseling and supervision in the 21st century: Cognella Academic Publishing, 2021.
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Access Jeremiah Peck's work and ministry experience, as well as his history in publication: