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Academic Catalog

Academic Catalog

Thank you for taking the time to review the information in this catalog. Our goal is to equip men and women to be faithful and effective agents of spiritual transformation in the lives of others. Graduates of Western Seminary are equipped to play key roles in the fulfillment of God’s mission in the world by having confidence in the transforming power of the gospel and knowing how to communicate God’s truth and love in word and deed.

Their role may focus on a local church, a counseling center, a mission field, a classroom, the marketplace, or some other venue. Regardless of the setting, however, that redemptive impact depends on empowerment from the Holy Spirit, which is most likely to be experienced when followers of Christ model personal godliness, submit their lives to the truths revealed in Scripture, and join the Lord in the outworking of His salvific mission. These values represent the heart of the “gospel-centered transformation” for which we strive as an educational institution.

If you aspire to be that kind of catalyst and resource for spiritual transformation, then investigating Western Seminary is well worth your time. Please look over the information contained in this catalog then connect with us to learn more about how we can help you prepare for life-changing ministry.


Dr. Chuck Conniry

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