students in class

Mission Fulfillment

Mission Fulfillment

As we examined our core themes, we were pleased to affirm that student learning objectives are being met. Evidence points to the majority of Western graduates meeting or surpassing the student learning outcomes expressed in our educational goals.  

Student Learning Outcomes

  • For the past five years, 100% of our graduates have successfully passed ordination examinations
  • More than 95% have passed the culminating theological and integration projects in their programs
  • Over a five year average, more than 90% of our counseling graduates have passed state licensing exams on their first attempt
  • More than 80% of our students maintain steady annual progress to complete their degrees on schedule


Over the past ten years, 89% of our graduates have found successful placement in strategic ministry roles, and 92% of our graduates report they continue in their ministry roles. Western Seminary graduates are serving today as pastors, church planters, counselors, teachers, missionaries, missional ministry leaders, chaplains, ministry coaches, and marketplace ministry leaders to strengthen effectively the gospel influence of the Church worldwide.

Transformation Stories

Meet our students and alumni, and hear how gospel-centered education is transforming lives and ministries around the world.