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Equipping You to Engage MA in Counseling in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

  • CACREP Accredited: Preparefor your career asalicensed counselor
  • Christian & Professional: Integrateyour faith with your practice
  • Hands-On, Practical Training: Four semestersof supervised internship
Western Seminary's Master of Artsin Counseling in Clinical Mental Health Counseling prepares counselors to care for the whol eperson in the populations they serve. This program offers skill-based coursework, internship experience, as well asarequirement to complete your own personal counseling. Since this program is offered at a seminary, it also unites biblical and theological studies in order to connect both Christian worldvie wand compassion to the counseling profession.

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Accredited By:

Association of Theological Schools LogoNorthwest Commission on Colleges and Universities LogoEvangelical Council for Financial Accountability Logo