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Hybrid Ministry Schedule Option

Hybrid Ministry Schedule Option

You’re already serving the Lord where you are, so you need seminary training that won’t demand full-time studies or move you away from the community you serve and love. Western Seminary has you covered with the intensely practical kind of learning you need to pour right back into real-world ministry.

The Hybrid Ministry Schedule Option is a distance learning solution that allows you to:

  • Start and finish your seminary training program without having to relocate
  • Complete at least half of your training through the Western Seminary Online Campus
  • Fulfill the rest by visiting campus 2 - 7 times for hybrid courses (varies by program)
  • Interact live with a stellar faculty made up of ministry practitioners
  • Earn any one of these master’s degrees:


Degree ProgramTotal
Hybrid Credits
Years to
Master of Divinity 82 28 54 6
MA (Biblical and Theological Studies) 56 18 38 3
MA in Ministry and Leadership 52 18 34 3
MA in Global Leadership 48 16 32 2


Frequently Asked Questions:

How does the Hybrid Ministry Schedule Option work?

Students who choose this path complete online courses and on campus "hybrid courses." A two-credit hybrid course meets for just 2.5 days on campus. Courses are scheduled back-to-back so that you may travel to campus to complete two courses in five days, meeting 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Assignments are then completed and submitted from home during the remainder of the 15-week semester. Hybrid courses allow you to fulfill the residential credits required to complete a master’s degree at a seminary accredited by the Association of Theological Schools.

These courses are offered at different campuses each semester so that students around the world have easy access to the courses they need. You can identify hybrid version of a course by the “H” suffix in a course ID Number (e.g. ML501SH). For your convenience, we maintain an hybrid course schedule that projects the next four years of courses so that you can plan your travel to campus accordingly.

Hybrid courses  are offered at each campus as follows:

Fall Semester (August – December)
2 hybrid courses offered at Portland Campus
2 hybrid courses offered at Sacramento Campus

Spring Semester (January – April)
2 hybrid courses offered at Portland Campus
2 hybrid courses offered at San Jose Campus

Summer Semester (May - August)
4-5 hybrid courses offered at Portland Campus


What does the online coursework component look like?

While completing hybrid courses on campus, you will take online courses concurrently through the Western Seminary Online campus. Each course is built upon video content presented by a Western Seminary professor delivered by our own Integr@te course delivery system. You’ll enjoy online interaction with fellow students as well as close collaboration with your course instructor. With over 80 online courses available, you’ve got plenty of options for completing both required and elective courses without leaving home. All credits other than the residential credits taken via hybrid courses may be completed through online courses.


How can I begin?

You must first be admitted for master’s-level studies at Western Seminary.

For those who live at a distance from any one of our campuses, apply online to submit the necessary forms, essays, recommendation letters, and application fee to our Admissions Office. When applying, please select “Online campus” as your campus, and select one of the available Hybrid Ministry Schedule Option versions of your preferred degree programs from the list that follows. Once admitted, you may register for hybrid and online courses prior to start of each semester through the Student information System (S.I.S.).

Applicants who live near any one of our campuses should apply for studies at their local campus, and upon admission they will be enabled to enroll in hybrid or online courses as they desire by using S.I.S. When registering, hybrid courses will be listed at the campus where they will be offered that term.

Students who are already admitted for studies may simply enroll in hybrid or online courses without any additional qualification or processing.


Will I be limited to taking only hybrid or online courses?

No. While the Hybrid Ministry Schedule Option allows you to complete your entire program through online and hybrid courses, you may still enroll in conventional courses offered at any campus location. This allows you greater access to specialized elective courses, or to take classes at a location or time that may be even more convenient for your schedule.


The Hybrid Ministry Schedule Option was formerly known by the name "In-Ministry Track".