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Why Study Online?

Why Study Online?

Distance education has evolved beyond its early reputation as a second-class education. Advances in course and program design, combined with new and dynamic technologies, provide a learning "system" that can actually improve upon the on-campus experience. The Western Seminary Online campus strives provide learning experiences that are not just comparable, but better than what one might find in a traditional classroom.

The Benefits of Online Studies

  1. Study while in your "Learning Laboratory." We believe that the best place to learn to do ministry is in the real world of ministry. You likely already have a place of service, and a network of relationships, where you can apply classroom lessons. Online courses and programs are designed to help you practice what you learn where you serve.
  2. Learn from a "world class" seminary faculty. Western Seminary Online campus is blessed with one of the strongest ministry faculties anywhere. As accomplished scholars they provide access to the deepest truths of God's Word and to their individual disciplines. As practitioners they have personally applied their classroom lessons on the fields of the world.
  3. Study from anywhere, anytime! Travel a lot? Work crazy hours? Now you can study wherever you are and whenever it is convenient. We don't have classroom hours, so your schedule guides your study time. With our courses, your computer and an Internet connection are all you need to be in our classrooms when you want, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.
  4. Access new relationships through new technologies. Our Online campus is dedicated to finding the best ways to communicate life-changing truths. Our custom-built Integr@te system is increasingly being used to deliver the primary course content, allowing for dynamic opportunities for you to develop life-long relationships with faculty and other students. You may be studying alone, but you are not alone in your studies.
  5. Maintain your existing financial and personal support networks. We know that it is a major personal and financial commitment to train in seminary. Through the our Online campus, you need not interrupt your current employment or relationships. Pay for your courses as you go!
  6. Learn when you are ready. If you are like many of us at Western Seminary, you don't necessarily learn best at 7:30 in the morning, or on a hot summer afternoon. Through our program, you can study when you learn best - morning, noon, or even in the middle of the night.