Western students

Tulsa MAML Cohort

Tulsa MAML Cohort

Accepting Applications for Fall 2025!

Western Seminary is partnering with churches to help equip the next generation of ministry leaders. That's why we're launching a new cohort in Tulsa for our MA in Ministry and Leadership degree. This cohort is uniquely designed to equip and train local church leaders within their current ministry contexts. 

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What Sets This Cohort Apart?

  • Enjoy a condensed classroom format, meeting only once a month in Tulsa.
  • Take advantage of our partnership or church matching grants.
  • Journey through your degree alongside the same small group of students from start to finish.
  • Build a theological framework that empowers decades of impactful ministry leadership.
  • Be equipped and trained within your ministry context with an experienced mentor in ministry.

The most effective pastors and leaders are life-long learners who continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This degree will equip you to meet the challenges of today and help sustain you for the long term in ministry.

Tim Osborn

Steve Mathewson, PhD
Tulsa MAML Cohort Curator


Biblical Studies16 credits
Ministry formation with your mentor16 credits
Theological Studies and Church History16 credits
Apologetics and World Religions4 credits

See Course Schedule

Year One

Semester One
BT501 Hermeneutics  2
BT502 Understanding Biblical Theology 2
MF501 Introduction to Theological Study and Ministry Formation 2
Semester Two
BL501 Interpreting the Old Testament I: Genesis to Song of Solomon 4
CS501 Loving God Loving Others 2
Semester Three
BL502X Interpreting the Old Testament II: The Prophets 2
BL502Y Interpreting the New Testament I: The Gospels 2
CS502 Growing in Prayer and Other Key Spiritual Disciplines 2

Year Two

Semester One
BL503 Interpreting the New Testament II: Acts-Revelation 4
ML501 Theology and Practice of Gospel-Centered Ministry 2
Semester Two
TH501 Theology I: Knowing the Triune God 4
ML502 Transformational Leadership 2
Semester Three
TH502 Theology II: Glorifying the God of Our Salvation 4
ML504 Taking the Gospel to Diverse Cultures 2

Year Three

Semester One
TH503 Theology III: Living as the Community of the Spirit 4
ML506 Ministerial Ethics 2
Semester Two
TH526  Religions of the World 2
ML507 Gospel Responses to Contemporary Challenges 2
PT502 Theology and Practice of Worship 2
Semester Three
CH502 Insight and Inspiration from Church History 2
TH504 Integrating Ministry and Theology 2

Reduce Your Tuition Costs

Western offers multiple grant opportunities to Tulsa Cohort students to reduce your tuition costs. Any students associated with Church on the Move are automatically eligible for 20% partnership grants. Those not associated with Church on the Move may apply for 20% church matching grants. Learn more on our partnerships page or request info and our admissions team would love to review your options with you.

Develop Deep Relationships

Cohort students journey together with the same group of students in their classes as part of their three-year degree program. The deep relationships developed in the cohort enable the friendship and trust for mutual growth in knowledge, character, and skills for ministry. Discussions and assignments are designed for immediate application in the students’ ministry context, enriching both the classroom and church life.

Meet Once a Month

Class meetings are conveniently scheduled once a month. Taking classes one day a month drastically reduces commute and travel time. Classes typically meet on a Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The once-a-month format also makes it manageable for commuter students, who may not live in the Portland area.

Learn from Ministry Practitioners

Cohort curator Steve Mathewson, longtime pastor, author, and scholar, will help guide you in applying the insights you gain in the program to the challenges of life and ministry. Teaching will also come from other Western Seminary faculty in their areas of expertise on Bible and theology. You will be able to have discussion with professors as you are equipped for ministry in today’s world. In addition to the teaching professors, you will also work with an experienced cohort mentor.

Real-World Ministry Application

It is not enough to master content and learn the head knowledge. Transformative theological education encompasses the whole person. This program embraces a holistic educational model that will also include a highly personalized approach to your own formation as a student, a follower of Jesus, and a ministry leader. 

Other Frequently Asked Questions 

Will Western find a mentor for me?

No. The expectation is that cohort students have a mentor in mind for the cohort when they apply. Western will help train your assigned mentor.

Is this an Online Program?

While there are online compenents, the once-a-month classes are in person, and the interaction is face-to-face. Professors may have students submit work online, or give information through an online portal, but these are in-person courses. 

Can I web-conference into the all-day Friday class?

It is vital to have all students present for each of the four all-day Friday classes in the semester. Please talk with your cohort host and professor if for some reason you can't be there in person.

What will a course load look like time-wise?

Whether you're registered for a traditional campus course, a hybrid course (with content delivered both in the classroom and online) or an online course, you can use these metrics as general rules of thumb:


hours of out-of-class

study per hour of instruction time


hours of instruction time

per credit


hours of out-of-class study

per credit

The only difference with this standard is the classroom time lessened to one Friday per unit. This will mean that other work must substitute for that missed seat time.

How soon in advance with the schedule be posted?

You will know what the schedule will be at least one year in advance.

Will the schedule look differently in summer months?


Will I receive a grade for courses?

Yes. Bible and Theology courses will be graded like any seminary course.  Ministry courses will be graded by the mentor as Pass or Fail.

Students may view grades by logging in to the Student Information System at the conclusion of each semester in which course work is attempted. Courses which are assigned a Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory grade are not computed in the grade point average. Transfer credits are not included in the determination of the grade point average.