Global Forms and Publications

Welcome Video to Global Learning

Global Publications

Note: Catalog information for the online campus is available by clicking on the
Student Resources link in the sidebar menu.

Frequently-Used Forms

  • Online Library Access
  • Special Registrations - Explanations and Instructions (Directed studies/ Independent studies / Individualized studies)
  • Global Learning - Directed Study Course Request
    We believe it is in your best interest to take our courses in a learning community with other students.  However, if you are unable to take a course in the semester as shown on our posted schedule, you may fill out the form at this link to request consideration to take the course as a directed study (Not available for courses offered only in the “Online LIVE” course design).
    - WS-Global Directed Study request for F24 can only be submitted on/after June 1, 2024
    - WS-Global Directed Study request for Sp25 can only be submitted on/after Oct 1, 2024
    - WS-Global Directed Study request for Su25 can only be submitted on/after Feb. 1, 2025
  • Request to Change to a Global Degree Program
    Use this form to change your degree location to Global Learning
  • Other Student Services Forms ( Here is a list of forms you may need to use while at Western Seminary)