Women's Transformational Leadership (WL)
WL501 Pastoral Understanding of Women. This course offers a comprehensive look at what it means to effectively shepherd and care for women. Students will learn how cultural and spiritual aspects of womanhood not only shape pastoral care but also contribute to a woman’s role in the Kingdom of God. We will discuss gender and cultural stereotypes as well as a woman’s evolving place in society. In understanding a woman’s season of life as well as her emotional and spiritual needs, students will grow in mentoring, developing friendships, offering group support, and caring for women pastorally. 2 credits.
WL502 – Women in Pain, Part I. Increasing awareness of experiences that cause a painful crisis in women’s lives enables one to offer strategic pastoral care and referral when needed. Issues discussed in this course will include domestic violence, eating disorders, post-abortion stress, and depression. In addition to the in-class topics, other issues students may choose to explore via a reflection/research paper could include same-sex attraction, sexual abuse, suicide, widowhood, and pornography. Students learn how, from a biblical basis, to help women grieve losses, begin a transition to health, and secure professional help when needed. 1 credit. [Also listed as WL 523, 2crs]
WL503– Women in Pain, Part II. Revisiting additional aspects of emotional pain in women’s lives, this course enables an increased awareness of pain through biblical experience and the lives of women today. Students will identify tools of compassionate, effective, and strategic pastoral care. They will learn about local resources for those in pain and/or their caregivers, how to make appropriate referrals, and how to understand empathic listening and presence. Issues discussed will include miscarriage, child death, infertility, parents in pain, religious abuse, physical disabilities, chronic pain, and homelessness. In addition to the in-class topics, other issues students may choose to explore via a reflection/research paper could include terminal illness, military families, and incarcerated women. 1 credit. [Also listed as WL 523, 2crs]
WL504– Women in Leadership. In this course, students explore four essential components of being a Christian woman in leadership: call, character, craft, and competencies. Concerning the call of a woman in leadership, attention is given to understanding and valuing what motivates a person to lead. Students learn how to define and develop Christ-like character and integrity of heart in private and public arenas. The art of leadership is examined, including cycles, styles, and gender issues. The many facets of being a change agent, communicator, and mentor are investigated, and insights are gained from biblical and historical examples of women in leadership. 2 credits.
WL505 – Develop Ministries for the Church. Students learn how to build and advance – from vision to reality – relational ministries featuring four components: cast the vision, build the team, discern the needs, and mold the ministry. The focus is on relational components, such as building and strengthening a leadership team, accurately discerning the needs of women, and molding ministry from that profile, while developing spiritual friendships and mentoring relationships. Students will learn how to enhance ministry effectiveness through promotion, evaluation, and celebration. 1 credit. [Also listed as WL 558, 2crs]
WL506 – Develop and Deliver Life-Changing Bible Messages (Offered at the Portland campus and as a Flex option (In-person and Zoom) Learn how to prepare and deliver messages that are biblically accurate, relevant and applicable. Use homiletic principles and skills to prepare and evaluate messages. Expand ability to involve audience, to maximize visuals, to include humor, and to modify content to fit situation. Prepare to speak with clarity and passion. Explore elements of effective devotionals, special event messages, and retreat series. 2 credits.
WL507 – Develop Life-Changing Bible Study Curriculum (Offered at the Portland campus and as a Flex option (In-person and Zoom) Learn how to write, select and adapt Bible study curriculum for women that is biblically sound, relevant, and applicable to all arenas of a woman’s life. Grow in confidence in training discussion leaders to shepherd biblically stimulating and relationally healthy small groups and curriculum-writing teams that can create materials appropriate for neighborhood and/or church-based women’s Bible studies. 1 credit.
WL508 – Develop Your Discipling and Evangelism Potential. As Jesus encountered individuals at all stages of development, He worked to challenge each of them to the next level of spiritual formation and transformation. This interactive course will stir you to become a reproducing disciple-maker within your circle of influence or ministry. It will also help you answer key questions such as: What is a disciple? What is a disciple’s mission and motivation? Where am I in the disciple-making process; in becoming a disciple who makes disciples? How do I disciple a new believer in the basic doctrines of the faith? In addition, you will receive fresh motivation and training in evangelism to prepare you to share effectively your faith in a post-modern culture, with friends, family, work associates, and strangers. 1 credit. [Also listed as WL 558, 2crs]