Pastoral Theology (PT)

PT501 – Pastoral Care and Leadership.  This is a pastoral elective designed for those who intend to be effective pastors in ministry. This course will build on the leadership principles of ML502 and apply them to the local church. Specific leadership issues include self-leadership; managing systems and structures; board governance and staff development; assimilation; creating and managing budgets; innovation and ministry; measuring success; dealing with conflict; and wisdom in transitions. PT501 is also designed to cover core issues in pastoral care: weddings, funerals, visitation; care to the sick and dying; and the ministry of the sacraments. 2 credits. 

PT502 – Theology and Practice of Worship.  The biblical concept of worship and the appropriate utilization of music in its public forms. Identifies the conditions, qualities, and ingredients that most enhance the integrity and meaningfulness of public worship.  2 credits.

PT511 – Advanced Expository Preaching.  This course is designed to further develop the skills essential to the expository method of preaching as introduced in ML508. As such, significant attention will be devoted to identifying the purpose and structure of a preaching portion and to translating these into a preaching form that faithfully communicates the meaning of the biblical text. Attention will also be given to enhancing the communication skills necessary for the delivery of an effective sermon (introductions, conclusions, illustrations, etc). The student will prepare and preach sermons that will be videotaped and evaluated by the professor and peers. Prerequisites: BT501, BT502, ML508. 2 credits.

PT 570 Select Topics in Church History (special limited time electives)