Ministry Formation (MF)

MF501 –  Foundations of Ministry Formation.  The Bible has much to say about the ongoing growth of the minister in both the leader's life and personal development. This class focuses on essential principles of ministry formation and vocational longevity. The course explores a biblical theology of the Christian leader, vocational fit, emotional health, pastoral habit, disposition, and the life of the mind. This class will consider argumentation, writing, and archival research for seminary training and ministry work.  2 credits.

MF531 - Ministry Formation I. You will engage in ministry in a local church or Christian organization in order to increase ministry competencies and grow in Christian character. You will develop skills in theological reflection in community as you discuss actual ministry case studies. You will attain skills to be a lifelong learner through the implementation of a personal development plan. You will learn how to gain wisdom from an experienced ministry mentor and you will become adept at receiving healthy feedback from others in the Christian community. Prerequisite: MF501. 1 credit.

MF532 - Ministry Formation II. An individualized course designed to expand and deepen a student’s ministry competencies, grow in character, and/or improve personal and interpersonal skills in a particular area of ministry. A learning contract will be developed that includes a ministry mentor at a specific ministry site. This individualized study will provide flexibility for a student to focus on needed areas of ministry leadership development. Prerequisites: MF501 & MF531. 1 credit.

MF533/534 - Ministry Formation III & IV.  An individualized course designed to expand and deepen a student’s ministry competencies, grow in character, and/or improve personal and interpersonal skills in a particular area of ministry. A learning contract will be developed that includes a ministry mentor at a specific ministry site. This individualized study will provide flexibility for a student to focus on needed areas of ministry leadership development. Prerequisites: MF501, MF531, & MF532.  0 credit.