Western Seminary Register for an Online Course

Registering for a WS-Global Learning Class

Registering for a WS-Global Learning Class

Take a class for master’s level credit

Step One: Apply for Admission to Western Seminary

  • If you've not yet been admitted to Western Seminary, you'll need to complete an Online Application for admission.
  • If you have been admitted, but haven't taken a class in a year or longer, you'll need to contact the admission office.

Step Two: Register for your WS-Global class or classes.

Register for a WS-Global Class

Registering at WS-Global for Fall 2024

*(Open registration begins in October through S.I.S.).

What types and designs of courses are offered at Global?

1. Standard Design Courses (predominantly asynchronous with some synchronous elements) are created by the original instructor/designer who did the course videos.  The Global staff and the “Instructor of Record” keep the course up to date on each scheduled semester.  

2. “Online LIVE” Design Courses (featuring weekly web conference calls) are prepared to have weekly synchronous meetings with the class.   They may contain a variety of other elements including course videos.  "Online LIVE" classes are open to every Western student and scheduled with distance students in mind.

3. The Threshold Design Courses (residential intensives sponsored by Global) are during one week of each semester.   They are created especially for students at a distance or with time restraints to have an opportunity to take a class at a residential campus (in person).

4. Cohort Design Courses (with face-to-face instruction) The "Cohort" design has students working through their program in a group.

5.  FLEX Design Courses (residential courses with web conference connection) The FLEX section is for those needing the web conference connection to a residential class.   This design only applies to 0-3 courses a semester at the instructor's discretion.

6. Conference Wrap-Around Design Courses (These are courses connected to a conference that must be attended along with other course work)  This design only applies to 0-2 courses a year.

    * If you have further questions about any of these, please contact your academic advisor.

If you are nearing graduation and do not find the WS-Global class you are looking for, please refer to the "Directed Study Course" directions below.

Scheduled Classes - Fall 2024:
Biblical Languages (NT & OT)

NT 521 (OL) (3crs) – Greek - Grammar (Promo)
               ("Online LIVE" Option w/Daniel K. Eng, D.Min, Ph.D.)
NT 523 (2crs) - Greek 3 - Syntax and Reading - Lectures by Dr. Patrick Schreiner
NT 524 (OL) (2crs) – Greek Exegesis of Galatians ("Online LIVE" Option
               w/by Richard Blaylock, Ph.D. (Promo)
OT 521 (3crs) – Hebrew - Grammar - Lectures by Dr. Jan Verbruggen
              ("Online LIVE" Option w/ Dr. Jan Verbruggen) (Course Sample)
OT 523 (2crs) - Hebrew 3 - Syntax and Reading - Lectures by Dr. Jan Verbruggen (Promo)
OT 524 (OL) (2crs)  Hebrew Exegesis/ Malachi ("Online LIVE" Option
             w/by Dr. Jan Verbruggen)  (Promo)

Biblical Literature  (BL)

BL 501T (4crs) Interpreting Genesis to Song of Solomon - Instruction by Dr. Josh Mathews
               (Portland/Global THRESHOLD) Oct. 14-17 (M-Th)
BL 502 (4crs) 
Interpreting the Prophets and Gospels - Lectures by Dr. J. Carl Laney
              (Course Sample)
BL 503 (4crs)  Interpreting Acts to Revelation - Lectures by Dr. Josh Mathews

Biblical Theology (BT)

BT 501 (2crs)  Hermeneutics - Lectures by Dr. Todd Miles (Course Sample)
BT 502 (OL) (2crs) Understanding Biblical Theology (Promo)
                  ("Online LIVE"
Option w/ Dr. Richard Blaylock)
BT 511 (OL) (2crs) - Advanced Hermeneutics
                 ("Online LIVE" Option w/ Dr.  Todd Miles)
BT 570T (2crs) Messiah in the Old Testament - Instruction by Dr. Jordan Scheetz
            (Portland/Global THRESHOLD) Oct. 11-12 (F-Sa)

Chaplaincy Ministry (CA)

CA 505 (1cr) Hospital Chaplaincy (Directed Study Option Only)

Church History (CH)

CH 520 (2crs) History of Missions (x-listed w/ IS 520) -   
                  Lectures by Dr. Jon Raibley  (NEW-F24) (Promo)

Christian Spirituality (CS)

CS 501T (2crs) Introduction to Christian Spirituality - Instruction by
               Dr. Andrew Pack (Portland/Global THRESHOLD) Oct. 14-15 (M-T)
CS 501 (2crs)
Introduction to Christian Spirituality - Lectures by
               Dr. Andrew Pack (Course Sample) (NEW-F24)
CS 502 (2crs) Practicing Christian Spirituality - Lectures by
               Dr. Andrew Pack (Course Sample) (NEW-F24)

Intercultural Studies (IS)

IS 520 (2crs) History of Missions (x-listed w/ CH 520) -  
                Lectures by Dr. Jon Raibley  (NEW-F24) (Promo)
IS 526 (2crs) Religions of the World - Instruction by Stephen Stallard)
                (cross-listed w/TH 526) (Course Sample)

Ministry Formation (MF)

MF 501T (2crs) Foundations of Ministry Formation - Instruction by Dr. Andrew Pack
              (Portland/Global THRESHOLD) Oct. 16-17  (Wed-Th)
MF 501 (2crs)
Foundations of Ministry Formation- Lectures by Dr. Andrew Pack
                (Course Sample) (NEW-F24)
MF 531 (1cr) Ministry Formation I  by Dr. Stephen Stallard & Dr. Jon Raibley
MF 532 (1cr) Ministry Formation II  by Dr. Stephen Stallard & Dr. Jon Raibley

Ministry Leadership (ML)

   ML 501T (2crs) Theology and Practice of Gospel-Centered Ministry - Dr. Stephen
                 Stallard (Portland/Global THRESHOLD) Oct. 18-19 (F-Sa) (Promo)
   ML 502 (2crs)
Transformational Leadership - Lectures by Dr. John Johnson)
                (Course Sample)     
   ML 503 (OL) (2crs) Nurturing Faithful Disciples (Promo)
                   ("Online LIVE" Option w/Dr. Ron Marrs and Bill Clem)
   ML 506 (2crs) Ministerial Ethics Lectures by Dr. Josh Mathews
                    (Course Sample)
   ML 507 (2crs) - Gospel Responses to Contemporary Challenges
                  Lectures by Dr. Gerry Breshears  (Course Sample)
   ML 508 (OL) (2crs) Preaching Gospel-Centered Messages
                 ("Online LIVE" Option w/Dr. Stephen Stallard) (Promo)
   ML 570 (OL) (1cr) - A Coach Approach to Ministry (Promo)
                ("Online LIVE" Option w/ Benjamin Olsen, PCC)

Pastoral Theology (PT)

    N/A (next, Spring 2025)

Research Studies (RE)

    RE 500 (2crs) - Theological Research Methods - Lectures by
                    Dr. Jan Verbruggen (Course Sample)

Theology (TH)

 TH 502 (4crs) Glorifying the Word of Life: Theology II
                Lectures by Dr. Gerry Breshears (Course Sample)
TH 503 (4crs) Living as the Community of the Spirit: Theology III
                Lectures by Dr. Gerry Breshears  (Course Sample)
TH 526 (2crs) Religions of the World - Instruction by Stephen Stallard)
               (cross-listed w/IS 526) (Course Sample)

Women's Transformational Leadership   (WL)

        WL 558 (OL) (2) Developing Ministries for the Church with Discipleship & Evangelism
                    ("Online LIVE" Option w/Trish Bussey Jetter & Whitney Woollard)

[Conference Wrap-Around Class] - Register in SIS (Portland)

TH 570 / ML 570 (2crs)  Theology and Practice of Congregational Worship (Info. Site)

"Portland THRESHOLD" Schedule (Promo)

BT 570T (2crs) Messiah in the Old Testament - Instruction by Dr. Jordan Scheetz
            (Portland/Global THRESHOLD) Oct. 11-12 (F-Sa)
CS 501T (2crs)  Introduction to Christian Spirituality - Instruction by Dr. Andrew Pack
               (Portland/Global THRESHOLD) Oct. 14-15 (M-T)
MF 501T (2crs) Foundations of Ministry Formation - Instruction by Dr. Andrew Pack
              (Portland/Global THRESHOLD) Oct. 16-17  (Wed-Th)
BL 501T (4crs) Interpreting Genesis to Song of Solomon - Instruction by. Dr. Josh Mathews
               (Portland/Global THRESHOLD) Oct. 14-17 (M-Th)
ML 501T (2crs) Theology and Practice of Gospel-Centered Ministry - Dr. Stephen Stallard
           (Portland/Global THRESHOLD) Oct. 18-19 (F-Sa)

Register for a WS-Global Class

Special Registrations

  • Special Registrations - Explanations and Instructions (Directed studies/ Independent studies / Individualized studies)
  • "WS-Global - Directed Study Course Request"
    We believe it is in your best interest to take our courses in a learning community with other students.  However, if you are unable to take a course in the semester as shown on our posted schedule, you may fill out the form at this link to request consideration to take the course as a directed study
    (Not available for courses offered only in the “Online LIVE” course design).
  • - WS-Global Directed Study request for F24 can only be submitted on/after June 1, 2024
    - WS-Global Directed Study request for Sp25 can only be submitted on/after Oct 1, 2024
    - WS-Global Directed Study request for Su25 can only be submitted on/after Feb. 1, 2025

To Drop a Class

If, for whatever reason, you find that you need to drop a class, please drop the class online in SIS. Please note that drops will incur a $ 25-course drop fee after the open registration window.


IS 570 (2crs) – Taking the Gospel to Diverse Cultures