Theological Studies (TH)

TH501 - Knowing the Living God: Theology I.  You will begin to cultivate your ability to think theologically by exploring how theology is done in various approaches in order to develop a practical theological method. Then you will probe God's progressive revelation focusing on the nature and authority of Scripture before pondering God's triune nature and work along with the reality and impact of other spiritual beings. Your passion for carrying out God's mission in His world will expand as you begin to understand how the Father's revelation has impacted the world He created. 4 credits. 

TH502 - Glorying the Word of Life: Theology II. Continuing the process of learning to think theologically you will now apply yourself to biblical revelation regarding the Son as the source of life. You will investigate humanity, its dignity as image of God and its depravity as sinful beings. You will study the person and atoning work of Messiah Jesus: His incarnation, life, death, resurrection, exaltation, and return. You will explore in depth the themes of His atoning work. Contemplating the majesty of the Son's work in light of the depth of sin will invigorate our worship and impel our work for His kingdom. Recommended pre- or co-requisite: BT501. Prerequisite: TH501. 4 credits.

TH503 - Living as the Community of the Spirit: Theology III. You will culminate the process of learning to think theologically by exploring the Spirit's life-giving work in the many aspects of our salvation. You will investigate the church as God's covenant community and instrument of His present working, ending with the consummation of His kingdom program in end time events. Throughout the course the Spirit will transform us as we see our part in His grand work. Recommended pre- or co-requisite: BT501. Prerequisite: TH501. 4 credits. 

TH504 - Integrating Ministry and Theology.  Building on the exegetical, theological and ministerial foundations laid in the seminary curriculum, students will build an integrative approach to key issues in pastoral ministry. Prerequisite or Corequisite: TH501, TH502, TH503. 2 credits. 2 credits. 

TH523 - Prayer and Providence.  Understanding the role of prayer in divine sovereignty is an essential question in the believer’s life. It is a part of grasping the balance between God’s providential guidance of the world and secondary causes such as obedience and sin. These sorts of questions merit our best efforts, for they lie at the heart of Christianity. You will do careful work to comprehend the various themes the Bible uses to describe providence and prayer, interact with the major contemporary and historical approaches, and grapple with some of the deep questions for ministry and life from personal and ministry perspectives. 2 credits. 

 TH526 - Religions of the World.  A survey of each major world belief system is presented in order to learn the common themes expressed in different religions. Strategies are examined for establishing an effective witness to the uniqueness of Christ to each of the major religions. Includes field trips to local places of worship. 2 credits.

TH527 – Equipping for Spiritual Warfare.  Spiritual warfare begins with evangelism and discipleship and goes on to helping people traumatized by involvement with the demonic. Knowing the types and limits of satanic stratagems against Christians and the church is essential in our increasingly pagan society. From a strong biblical and theological foundation, we will develop practical methodologies to help people find freedom from spiritual bondage. 

TH 531 – Philosophy for Public Theology.  Through this course, students will understand significant eras of Western philosophy (i.e., ancient, medieval, enlightenment, and modern/contemporary/postmodern). Students will evaluate how various philosophies have shaped our present moment. Likewise, students will understand how the employment of philosophical ideas might bolster the task of public theology and how an understanding of philosophy helps to engage not only the conclusions to which people arrive but the processes and presuppositions by which they come to conclusions. 2 Credits. Cross-listed with ML 531. 2 credits.

TH570 - Select Topics in Theology (special limited time electives)